AAALetter- June 2023

Volume 35, Number 1

Table of Contents

  Feature Articles

  1. Mothering at the Intersection: Embracing Complexity and Connectivity in Language Education and Beyond
  2. Co-operative Learning with Language and Land
  3. Announcing the Grabe-Stoller Graduate Student Travel Award: Giving It Forward
  4. AILA and AAAL: Going Forward Together

  AAAL Leadership Updates

       5. From DEIA to JEDI for AAAL
       6. AAAL Conference Updates

  Standing Committee Updates

       7. Conference Connections in Portland: Mentorship Provided
       8. Applied Linguistics for Social Justice

  News from Sibling Organizations

       9. ACTFL Launches a New Philanthropic Endeavor: The Language Connects Foundation
     10. What’s New at TESOL International Association?

  From the Editors

     11. AAAL 2023 Conference at a Glance
     12. The AAALetter Editorial Team

The announcement of the new Grabe-Stoller award at the general business meeting at AAAL 2023 in Portland