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Proposals: The Language Flagship

Tuesday, June 18, 2019 at 12:00 AM (EDT) to Tuesday, October 15, 2019 at 1:00 AM (EDT)

Event Details

The Institute of International Education (IIE) is pleased to provide you with application materials for the development of U.S. campus-based Undergraduate Language Flagship Programs. The Language Flagship is a major initiative of the National Security Education Program (NSEP) and has successfully launched new and innovative programs of advanced instruction in Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Persian, Portuguese, and Russian.  IIE considers it a distinct pleasure to serve as the administrative agent for this important effort.


NSEP was created by Congress in 1991 to address the need to increase the ability of Americans to communicate and compete globally by knowing languages and cultures of other countries.  NSEP recognizes that the scope of national security has expanded to include not only the traditional concerns of protecting and promoting American well-being, but also the new challenges of a global society, including sustainable development, environmental degradation, global disease and hunger, population growth and migration, and economic competitiveness.


The Language Flagship is conducting a full and open competition for all domestic Undergraduate Language Flagship programs. This competition will be for a four-year grant award. The guidelines are available here. We ask that you share this information with colleagues and any other individuals or entities that may be interested in this opportunity. 


Please note that the deadline for the receipt of proposals is 4:30 p.m. (ET), Tuesday, October 15, 2019.


Technical assistance webinars will be offered during the times specified on each RFP. To register for a webinar, please


Additional information about The Language Flagship may be found at  We look forward to receiving applications.