Hong Kong Continuing Professional Development International Conference 2020
Event Details
We are delighted to invite you to participate in the Hong Kong Continuing Professional Development International Conference 2020 for English teaching professionals worldwide. Proposal submissions are now OPEN.
Organised by 5 leading universities in Hong Kong, this conference is an excellent opportunity for English teaching professionals to meet, network, discuss, learn from each other and explore opportunities for greater collaboration to encourage and sustain interactive communities of practice.
Five international speakers are confirmed as keynote speakers.
· Professor David Boud - Deakin University and University of Technology Sydney, Australia
· Associate Professor Averil Coxhead - Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
· Professor Alister Cumming - University of Toronto, Canada
· Professor Mike Levy - University of Queensland, Australia
· Professor Lourdes Ortega - Georgetown University, The United States
Date: 10-12 June 2020
Venue: The University of Hong Kong
Conference theme: Innovative teaching and research in English language education
Pre-conference workshops and events: 8-9 June 2020 at City University of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Proposal Submission NOW OPEN
Proposals are invited in key areas of English teaching and learning that relate to the Conference theme. Presentation types include: paper, workshop, colloquium, demonstration, pechakucha and poster. Please submit proposals by 12 January 2020 to share and discuss your projects, research or teaching ideas and materials with a worldwide audience of teaching professionals.
A selection of contributions presented at the Conference will be published in an edited book on “Innovative teaching and research in English Language Education” by a reputable, internationally known publisher.
Join us!
Following on the successful symposia in 2018 at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and in 2019 at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, the HKCPD Hub International Conference 2020 provides an opportunity for an international audience to share ideas and experience in the territory.
This international conference is an opportunity to promote effective teaching practices and disseminate innovative research aimed at improving the quality of English teaching and learning in higher education in Hong Kong and the rest of the world.
More information
For more details, please see International Conference 2020 website. For enquiries, please write to: hkcpdhub@hku.hk
We look forward to seeing you at our International Conference in June 2020 in Hong Kong.
Best regards,
Hong Kong Continuing Professional Development Hub (HKCPD Hub) for University English Teachers
Project Team and Conference Organising Committee