AAAL 2023 Call for Nominations

The American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) invites AAAL members to self-nominate or nominate other candidates who are deemed suitable to run for election to serve the Association. Individuals who are interested in running must be current AAAL members in good standing and must maintain their AAAL membership for the duration of the commitment. To learn more about AAAL governance, go to:

Nominations are being accepted for the following positions:

  • (1) Second Vice President
  • (1) Member-at-Large
  • (1) Fund for the Future of Applied Linguistics (FFAL) Trustee
  • (4) Nominating Committee Members
  • (3) Dissertation Award Committee Members

 Descriptions for each position can be found below.

 In addition to meeting the position-specific criteria described below, nominees will also need to submit:

  • complete and updated contact information, including current position/title, institution/company/organization, department/program/unit/division, land address with country, email address, and phone number
  • a professional organization service record statement (service to AAAL and/or other organizations) (no more than 250 words)
  • a formal biographical statement containing information relevant to the position (no more than 250 words)
  • a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Access (DEIA) statement indicating their past, present and future commitment to observing and/or promoting DEIA practices (no more than 300 words). Special attention will be given to the candidate’s consideration of:
    • Diversity: respect for the race, color, ethnicity, religion, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, age, (dis)ability, linguistic background, and other dimensions of diversity of AAAL members as well as acceptance of members’ epistemological and methodological differences; candidates’ own diversity with respect to the aforementioned identity categories will also be considered
    • Equity: exercise of fairness and impartiality when addressing challenges encountered by members; this includes a commitment to creating opportunities for segments of the AAAL membership who may have been disadvantaged due to limited or restricted access to opportunities for professional advancement and working, overall, towards the implementation of equitable DEIA policies and practices
    • Inclusion: development of practices that will make all members feel validated and welcome within AAAL so that they will be able to excel within their respective areas of disciplinary expertise
    • Access: design of systems to optimize access to human and material resources as well as create professional development opportunities within AAAL that will enable members to leverage their ability and expertise

Finally, please note that elected individuals will be serving AAAL in a strictly voluntary capacity. Being elected into the position does not include a waiver of membership dues or conference registration fees. In the case of EC member (Positions 1 and 2 listed below), limited travel expenses (depending on the position) will be covered to help enable attendance to mandatory in-person Executive Committee (EC) meetings; travel or accommodations for the annual conference will not be covered.

 Criteria for respective positions (see Standing Rule 8: Nominations and Elections) include the following:

  1. Second Vice President: Candidates are expected to have prior leadership experience in the Association such as Committee Chair or Executive Committee member. It is also expected that the candidates will have a record of other leadership, including but not limited to academic administration, organization of conferences and events, and/or work with non-profit organizations. The Second Vice President serves a term of one year, then succeeds to First Vice President, President-Elect, then President (a total of a four year committment). Click here to watch a short video on the Second VP role.
  2. Member-at-Large: Members-at-Large have diverse portfolios and perform a variety of tasks for AAAL. Candidates are expected to have had a record of service to AAAL. The term for this role is three years. It is preferable that candidates have some prior leadership experience in the Association such as Committee Chair, Strand Coordinator, or Task Force Leader. Individuals who have previously served as Members-at-Large may be included on the slate if there is a lapse of three years between the conclusion of their previous term and their re-election. However, in general, we prefer to bring new people into such roles.
  3. Fund for the Future of Applied Linguistics (FFAL) Trustee: Candidates for FFAL Trustee are expected to have had undertaken some prior service to AAAL and/or the field and its constituencies. Candidates for FFAL Trustee should ideally have experience with budgeting, investments or fundraising. The term for FFAL Trustee is 3 years (Year 1: Associate Chair; Year 2: Chair; Year 3: Past Chair). Candidates should be willing to commit to attend AAAL for at least the year they are FFAL Trustee Chair, and ideally for the three years of service (at their expense). Trustees might, but are not are not required to, be prior donors to FFAL.
  4. Nominating Committee: Being a member of the Nominating Committee involves a significant level of responsibility, and all candidates are expected to (a) have a broad understanding of the field and its constituencies; (b) have provided some prior service to the Association; and (c) be representative of the AAAL membership both in demographic (i.e., geographical location, home institution) and professional terms (i.e., area(s) of specialization and expertise). Nominating Committee members serve one year terms that run from July-June annually. Members of the Nominating Committee will conduct their business online, with most of their activities concentrated in the Fall preceding the Conference. Note: at least one candidate for nomination to the Nominating Committee must have previously served on the AAAL Executive Committee.Click here to watch a short video on the Nominating Committee
  5. Dissertation Award Committee: The Dissertation Award Committee adjudicate annually the Dissertation Award which acknowledges outstanding dissertations that demonstrate research excellence and have the potential for broad impact on the field of applied linguistics. The term of service for this committee is two years. These Awards Committee members should represent a broad range of theoretical, methodological and epistemological orientations, and of academic experience and rank. Click here to watch a short video on the Dissertation Award Committee

Nominations will be reviewed by the Nominating Committee (NOMCO), which is comprised of the Committee Chair, Netta Avineri, President-Elect, Lourdes Ortega (ex officio), and four newly elected members, Wenhao Diao, Aline Godfroid, Amanda Kibler, and M'Balia Thomas. Evaluation will be based on strength of service to date to AAAL, alignment with AAAL’s stated mission, values, and commitments, relevant disciplinary expertise, and support of DEIA efforts. The slate of selected nominees will be announced at the Association’s business meeting during the AAAL 2023 Conference in Portland, Oregon.

Selected nominations will be placed on the ballot in Summer 2023 for consideration by AAAL members. Elected members will begin serving after the AAAL 2024 Conference in Houston, Texas (March 16-19, 2024).

If you are interested, please carefully review the above position requirements and submit the online nomination form below.

Current committee chairs and leaders would like to share their experiences as a way to encourage AAAL Members to take an active role in their community. Please take a moment to watch the video clips below and learn more about these open positions. Please click below to hear their experiences.

Netta Avineri
Chair, Nominating Committee
Associate Professor TESOL/TFL, Intercultural Competence Committee Chair
Middlebury Institute of International Studies

Lourdes Ortega
AAAL President Elect
Faculty Director of GU’s Initiative for Multilingual Studies
Georgetown University 

Jaran Shin
Chair, Dissertation Award Committee
Associate Professor Dept. of Applied English Linguistics & Translation Studies
Kyung Hee University

If you have any questions about this call, please contact the Chair of the Nominating Committee, Netta Avineri, at

 The deadline to nominate: September 15, 2022.